After Risorgimento, much has remained the old way. The ruling class was reluctant to allow the expansion of the political base, and in some regions, especially in Sicily, the standard of living has even dropped. When Sicilian peasants organized themselves into fasci - the forerunners of the trade unions - the prime minister responded by sending 30 000 soldiers, closing the diaries and interning, without a court order, suspected of sowing anxiety. In the 1990s, capitalist methods of production and modern machinery in the Po valley created a new social structure, with rich agrari at the top of the ladder, a multitude of farm laborers at the bottom and the intermediate level of the estate managers.
Italy's colonial expansion began in the 1980s, initially limited to the bloody - and ultimately defeated - campaigns in Abyssinia and Eritrea. W 1912 r. Italy snatched the Dodecanese Islands and Libya from Turkey's hands, to which many reacted indignantly, benito Mussolini, among others. who during this war was the radical secretary of PSI (Partito Socialista Italia no) In Forli.
Italy joined the First World War in 1915 r.. mainly to repay Austria for its past humiliations and to gain the support of France and England in their colonial aspirations.. Poorly equipped and poorly commanded army only managed to defeat Austria in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto after three years., in the last month of the war. Some new territories were gained - Trieste, Gorizia and - newly baptized - Trentino-Gora Adige, but at the cost of over half a million people's lives. even more wounded and enormous war debt.
Middle classes, disappointed with the outcome of the war and concerned about high inflation and social discontent, turned to Mussolini, whose right hand has chosen as its spokesman. W 1921 r. Mussolini, recently elected to parliament, formed the National Fascist Party, whose squadre terrorized the party's opponents with direct attacks and by destroying the editorial offices of newspapers, printing houses and offices of socialists and trade unions. W 1922 r. the party was able to organize a "march on Rome”. Plans for the march have been leaked to Prime Minister Facty, which without the king's signature on the decree on martial law, he could not send an army to meet the marchers. Fear of starting a civil war prompted the king to refuse to sign. Facta resigned. Mussolini hinted. that he will only enter the government then, when he will be at its head, i 29 On October, he was awarded the office of Prime Minister. Only then did the march take place.
The fanatical squadrists pushed Mussolini into dictatorial rule, which he announced at the beginning 1925 r. The activities of the political opposition and trade unions were banned, the free press collapsed under the weight of censorship and the seizure of titles by fascists, elected local governments were replaced with appointed officials, arrest and detention opportunities were increased and special courts were established to deal with political cases. W 1929 r. Mussolini ended an ongoing from 60 years of dispute between the state and the Church creating the Vatican - an autonomous church state within the Kingdom of Italy. (Still in 1904 r. all persons associated with the new regime were automatically excommunicated). To year 1939 the slogan "Everything for you. Nothing but the state. Nothing against you” it became a fact - the government controlled most of the steel industry and shipbuilding, as well as every apsect of political life.
Mussolini's involvement in the Spanish Civil War led to the creation of 1936 of the year of the "Axle" system” with Nazi Germany. Italy entered the Second World War completely unprepared and with outdated equipment, but in 1941 occupied the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia. However, soon after, Mussolini found himself on the defensive.. Tens of thousands of Italian soldiers died on the Soviet front in winter 1942 r.. and in July 1943 r. the Allies gained the first foothold in Europe, when Patton's Seventh Army and Montgomery's Eighth Army landed in Sicily. A month later, the entire island was taken.
As a result of these and other disasters, Mussolini was overthrown by members of his own Grand Council, who transported him to the remote mountain resort of Gran Sasso. and in his place they put Marshal Badoglio. The Allies demanded the surrender of Italy and in secret talks proposed amnesty for King Victor Emmanuel II). who coexisted with the fascist regime through 21 lat. 8 On September, the signing of the ceasefire was announced by radio, and the next day the allies crossed over to the peninsula. As the British and American armies advanced up the peninsula, German divisions came to meet them from the north, freeing Mussolini from prison, that he would found the Republic of Saló on Lake Garda. It ended in a complete defeat - more and more members of the Communist Party, socialist and Catholic, joined the ranks of partisan units, that have reached the number 450000 people. In April 1945 Mussolini had to escape, but was captured by partisans before reaching Switzerland. Together with his mistress Claretta, Petacci was shot and hung upside down at a gas station in Milan's Piazzale Loreto.